Sunday, January 26, 2014

Give Your Metabolism a Boost

Have you ever wondered why you had so little trouble staying skinny as a youngster? And now - 20, or even 40 years later - the quest for a slim and better toned body shape seems harder with each passing year?
When you were young did you play outside more? Did you enjoy running around indoors - or out - with your friends? Did you spend far less time sitting and more time playing? Did you move your body more? Were you generally - more active?
When we were young - our metabolism ran faster. It's nature. Our metabolism tends to naturally slow down a bit as we age. You also may have tended to watch way less TV and do more outside. We played, ran around, rode bikes or skateboards. We had fun doing things that did not require any electricity or batteries! Many of us didn't have a tv in our own room. Or a hand-held piece of technology to entertain us. Game consoles were not common-place.
So how do you boost your metabolism and get skinny again? Or perhaps, closer to a healthy weight and body shape?
Two simple habits - exercise and healthy eating choices - are vital to boosting your metabolism. And burning more calories. And building muscles instead of growing fat cells.
Tabata is a great way to lift your metabolism and build some muscle tone! Try this to get started -

Want to burn more calories all day? Try working out with weights every other day. Start your day off right with a protein-packed breakfast. Give your body the fuel it needs to build muscle and burn more fat! Running is a great way to boost your metabolism.

What and how you eat plays a big role in raising your metabolism - and burning calories. Protein boosts your metabolism. Eating more fiber helps too. Your body has to work a little harder to process fiber. Even drinking more water can give you a boost!

If losing weight and feeling more energized are on your agenda - try adding some exercise to your day. And keep eating healthy.

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