Monday, December 8, 2014

How to Re-energize

Are you ever totally drained after a long day? Do you ever wish you could somehow find more energy? Many healthy folks - just like you and I - have the secret. They re-energize with exercise!

Want to feel more energy and vitality? Try this high intensity interval workout -

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Do you wonder about the quality of the foods you eat? Some foods are so laden with chemical residue, you can't help but question their impact on your health.

So what can you do to make sure you're getting the healthiest foods when you go shopping?

Choose organic fruits and vegetables, especially when it comes to these pesticide-laden picks: apples, strawberries, grapes, celery, peaches, spinach, sweet bell peppers, nectarines (imported), cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes. A 2014 Environmental Working Group study showed that these 10 fruits and vegetables have the highest pesticide load.

This photograph depicted a pregnant woman in the process of peel 


Monday, October 13, 2014

Autumn Exercise

Do you love the splendor of Autumn colors? Are you ready to get outside and enjoy some fall foliage? Want to tone your abs? Enjoy an Autumn run or even a nice long walk. Forget the gym - Save your hard-earned cash and exercise in the comfort and beauty of Fall's splendor! Try this -
Or get outside and enjoy some autumn colors while you exercise in the fresh air!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Less Stress - More Energy

Are you feeling stressed? Feel the urge to have more fun in your life? Has life's pressures got you down? Take heart - you can turn your life around. You can start having more fun and enjoying life more! Lower your stress level and get toned - dancing! Do it with you friends and family. Do it by yourself! No need to spend a bunch of cash. Put on some favorite tunes and start having fun while you burn a bunch of calories!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tighten up your whole body

Tighten up your whole body with this awesome workout -

if sexy, toned arms are on your list of goals this year, try this -

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Get rid of Stress

Is stress dragging you down? Do you sometimes wish you could just let it go? Have you tried yoga yet? You may just be amazed by your results!

Try this -

If stress is giving you a headache, you may just be surprised by the effects of yoga!

Get rid of stress and enjoy life more. Let go of stress with some relaxing yoga!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Building stronger arms

Push-ups build sexy looking arms. And - as an added bonus - they help tighten your tummy!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Want Better Looking Abs?

Changing your abs is a slow and steady process. There are no fast fixes. Your road to tighter, flat abs may even have some setbacks. (Like from Thanksgiving until Jan 2!) But if you give it time and keep after it, your stomach really can go from flab to fab.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Morning Walk

Are you ever too tired at the end of a long workday? Do you wish you could find more energy to make it through another tough day? Try a morning walk to get your juices flowing!

Join the early morning walkers in your neighborhood and you may be surprised at how much more energy you can have!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Do you want to have more fun?
Do you ever find yourself wondering what happened to your youthful vigor and vitality?

Try adding some exercise to your daily routine. You just might amaze yourself with a level of newfound energy and vitality!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Feel Young Again

Dancing burns calories - and helps you feel younger and have fun like you're a kid again!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday Night Fun

Remember going to the big back-to-school dance on a Friday night? Our school called them sock-hops! How fun was that!

Is there any better way to unwind and have fun after a long week at work? Plus you burn a bunch of calories while you're sweating to the oldies - or whatever kind of music you enjoy!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

More Fun. More Excitement... Remember your Dancing Queen

Feel the Beat.... Remember your Dancing Queen....

Are you looking for more fun? More excitement? You might enjoy dancing!! Find a partner and add some fun and excitement to your life!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Feel 20 Years Younger!

Do you come home at the end of a long day feeling totally exhausted? Would you like to have more energy? More zest in your life?

Exercise daily or at least five days each week. Enjoy a healthy diet filled with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Eating healthy can be inexpensive, nutritious, and taste good too. Healthy eating leads to a longer and more satisfying life. Making exercise a part of your daily routine will help you enjoy a long, healthy life.

A few simple habits will help you enjoy a healthy and more stress-free lifestyle. Eating healthy and exercise are the keys to much better health. Take a few small steps each day. Before long you will see a difference in how you feel. You'll look better and feel years younger! You really can have the energy level you enjoyed years ago.

Get a little exercise every day. Exercise is one of the best habits you can adopt. Walking is a great stress reliever and good for your waistline. Try to walk at least 20 minutes a day.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Play More - Smile More

Growing older slows us down some, but it doesn’t mean giving up the sports or activities we enjoy! Steve is in his 70s and he still plays tennis 4 or 5 times a week. Last Summer he played in a local tournament and I had a chance to watch one of his matches. Incredible wouldn’t come close to describing his match. Here is this 70-something gentleman running around a tennis court playing singles on a hot 90 degree afternoon in July!

Several times in the course of a game he forgot the score! I think he won that game 2 or 3 times! Amazing! He may not chase down balls like Rafael Nadal or hit serves as fast as Andy Roddick. But he sure smiles a lot! And it is obvious he is having a blast! For as far back as I can remember Steve has always been one of those people who always seem to be in good spirits. A quick smile and kind word for everyone he meets. Growing up, we all admired Steve.

Steve was an optimist! Every glass was half full1. Every child he came across was a good kid. Every person he met – young or old was deserving of a kind word and a genuine smile! Steve always manages to see the good in everyone. And, I suspect, Steve has a very good life! He wasn’t raised with a golden spoon in his hand. He made the most of every opportunity that came his way!

So what if we can’t run as fast as we did in our teens or twenties. We can still have fun playing! Who cares if you can run a five minute mile? As long as you get out and get your heart pumping and your lungs working you can still manage to burn off as many calories as you want. If it takes five minutes longer than it does for an average teenager – well – that can be five more minutes of fun!

Whether you want to lose two pounds or twenty-two – the quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with a steady regimen of daily exercise and eating healthy! And have fun while you’re at it! Steve is living proof – optimists tend to live longer, happier lives. I think I’d like to grow up to be just like Steve!

Reddit's Guide to Fitness, men's health, bulk up, eat better, workout

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Eating Healthy to Lose Weight and Live Better

Who says eating healthy has to be boring? Enjoy life more and maybe even lose some weight! These healthy eats will help you get started -

pretty much

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Looking Good at the Beach

So how do you lose that beer belly that took so many years to acquire? The only two secrets i know of are exercise and healthy diet with plenty of protein and fiber. Drastic changes in your habits may be just the ticket to a slimmer , sexy core. Forget six pack abs - just give me a slimmer, better toned tummy.

If you want to look better at the beach this Summer - Start today! Work up a good, old fashioned sweat. Eat a protein rich breakfast to get your metabolism in high gear. Cut out sugar - totally if you can. Try some local honey in your morning coffee. Cut fried foods. Skip on the white rice. Drink more water.

If you can run - do it! Get in 5 days a week. Running is simply the best weight-loss trick for many. Start today. You may just be amazed by how much better you look in just 6 short weeks!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Journey to A Better Life

A study of over 14,000 women showed that active women were 55 percent less likely to die of breast cancer than women who chose not to exercise and stay fit. The journey to better health and fitness is one that benefits everyone. It doesn't matter how old you are or what kind of shape you are today. You can benefit from a little daily exercise and a healthy diet. They say that "Variety is the spice of Life." Well, you can enjoy eating a variety of foods every day - grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, lean meats, and low fat dairy products. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Dehydration can stop even the finest athlete from playing his or her best game! Enjoy a variety of healthy pursuits. Join a fall or winter league in your favorite sport! Or try a new sport! Even the simple act of taking a daily walk has helped countless people enjoy life a little more and get in some heart-healthy exercise! The opportunities are nearly endless - enjoy a nice, refreshing walk after dinner. Turn off the TV, save a little money and take the dog or the kids for a long walk. Do you live less than a couple miles from the office or wherever you work? Walk to work or school. Walk to the store instead of driving.
You can look younger and start feeling years younger too! Enjoy life more! Get up and start moving - getting some exercise every day! The more vigorous the better! If you want to lose weight and keep it off - you simply have to burn more calories! No magic mystery pills - no weird science - just good, old fashioned exercise - any way you like! If you want more energy and a slimmer, sexier body - you can have it all! Medical and health professionals have known the secret formula for years! The quickest way to lose weight - and then keep it off - is with daily exercise.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Fun Fat Blaster

How do you Burn Fat fast? And have a blast while you're burning all those calories? Here's one way -

Who says exercise isn't fun? Don't believe them. The natural high you feel after a good workout is a great way to put a smile on your face. Want to burn even more fat? Try this -

Think back and remember the last time you worked so hard you were sweating. Breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Feeling really drained and a sort of natural high. And after an invigorating shower, felt a renewed energy - a vigor that seemed to last. Didn't that feel great? Did you have a sense of pride in your accomplishment? A smile on your face?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Lose Weight and Keep it Off

We've all seen the ads - "Lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks." The TV is filled with sales pitches for one miracle weight-loss plan after another. The real secret to lasting weight loss is a simple, two-fold change in your daily habits. How do some of your friends manage to stay so slim and toned while your waistline keeps growing? Two simple and powerful habits are at the core of their outstanding fitness levels. They exercise regularly and eat healthy foods! Old school exercises you were made to do back in Middle and High school - are often a great way to keep your body toned and slim. The simple body movements are effective and won't cost you a ton of money. Remember squats?
Try a variety of exercises every day to help keep your whole body in shape. Remember Jumping Jacks? And who can forget the simplest upper body exercise ever - the classic push-up? When the weather outside is keeping you indoors you can still get a great cardio workout. Burn some calories and keep your body slim and strong year round with half an hour of daily cardio. Here is a great indoor workout to keep you lean and fit -
Watch what you eat and stick with your exercise plan and you can start seeing results in a matter of weeks! What have you got to lose?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Secret to Better Health

Government funded scientists have discovered a miraculous fact - well known by fitness lovers for centuries. Exercise benefits everyone – at just about any age. Exercise can help you take charge of your health and maintain a level of fitness necessary for an active, and happier lifestyle. Many people think that as we age, we tend to slow down and do less; that physical decline is an inevitable consequence of aging. For the most part, this does not have to be true.
Think back and remember the last time you worked so hard you were sweating. Breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Feeling really drained and a sort of natural high. And after an invigorating shower, felt a renewed energy - a vigor that seemed to last. Didn't that feel great?
Can't make it to the gym? Many fitness buffs enjoy the benefits of exercise at home. Some even create their very own home gyms. Why not turn that extra room into your own little fitness center? Try some simple, yet effective exercises in the privacy of your home several times a week. Do you have room for an exercise bike? Or how how about a few dumbbells. You can achieve great results with a few basic weights. Exercise more and feel the benefits of better health. You'll look better and feel better! Relax - enjoy the journey towards better health. Have way more fun and enjoy life in a healthy body!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Give Your Metabolism a Boost

Have you ever wondered why you had so little trouble staying skinny as a youngster? And now - 20, or even 40 years later - the quest for a slim and better toned body shape seems harder with each passing year?
When you were young did you play outside more? Did you enjoy running around indoors - or out - with your friends? Did you spend far less time sitting and more time playing? Did you move your body more? Were you generally - more active?
When we were young - our metabolism ran faster. It's nature. Our metabolism tends to naturally slow down a bit as we age. You also may have tended to watch way less TV and do more outside. We played, ran around, rode bikes or skateboards. We had fun doing things that did not require any electricity or batteries! Many of us didn't have a tv in our own room. Or a hand-held piece of technology to entertain us. Game consoles were not common-place.
So how do you boost your metabolism and get skinny again? Or perhaps, closer to a healthy weight and body shape?
Two simple habits - exercise and healthy eating choices - are vital to boosting your metabolism. And burning more calories. And building muscles instead of growing fat cells.
Tabata is a great way to lift your metabolism and build some muscle tone! Try this to get started -

Want to burn more calories all day? Try working out with weights every other day. Start your day off right with a protein-packed breakfast. Give your body the fuel it needs to build muscle and burn more fat! Running is a great way to boost your metabolism.

What and how you eat plays a big role in raising your metabolism - and burning calories. Protein boosts your metabolism. Eating more fiber helps too. Your body has to work a little harder to process fiber. Even drinking more water can give you a boost!

If losing weight and feeling more energized are on your agenda - try adding some exercise to your day. And keep eating healthy.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Feel Years Younger

Are you in your 50s? or beyond? Whether you're 25 or 55 - you can have loads of fun dancing!. You'll burn a bunch of calories and you may just find yourself wanting to smile more! Improve your outlook on life. Have more energy - and fun! Try this to get started -

Want to look - and feel years younger? Drink more water. Less soda. and.... Start dancing! Any kind of dance you enjoy. Having fun and burning some major calories go hand in hand out on the dance floor!

You've probably heard about the fun and energy Zumba lovers everywhere enjoy. Here's an easy way to start Zumba -

If you want to look and feel years younger - join in the fun. Try a Zumba class today!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Blast Off Calories - and Have a Blast!

Are you looking for something fun to do this weekend? Have you ever experienced the fun and excitement at a country dance hall? It's a Blast! And you can torch away some extra calories. Never been dancing at a country dance-joint? Here are a couple of easy lessons to help you get started -

Dancing is not only super fun - its great exercise. You get to enjoy the company of other fun-seekers and maybe even meet some new friends along the way! You just might burn a bunch of calories and rid yourself of a week's worth of stress. Get out on the dance floor and join the party! Have a ball and blast off some calories this weekend at the dance hall.

Every visit to a country dance hall should include at least one chance to enjoy the Boot-Scootin Boogie! Join the fun - here's how:

You don't have to go to a bar to enjoy the fun of country dancing. Turn on YouTube and dance along. Have fun and blow off some stress this weekend - at the Dance Hall!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Want More Stamina?

Do you need more energy? Wish you had more stamina?
Maybe you'd like to last longer and have the energy to keep going? You're not alone. And you can regain some of that vigor and strength. Not sure how to get started? Try this -

How's your diet? Do you eat enough protein? How about fruits and vegetables? Do you eat a lot of white, refined flours and sugar? Try to add some protein to your early morning. And, as much as possible, cut out sugar. While you're at it, you may want to consider reducing the amount of soda and beer you consume. Those simple carbs are pretty useless if you want to restore your vitality.

And for a real boost of your strength and stamina - add a little more exercise to your daily schedule. Less time sitting and more exercise will help you regain that youthful energy you used to enjoy! Your body needs movement. You want more energy? Exercise more. Here's Denise with some lite exercise anyone can do -

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Turn Back the Clock on Your Belly

How do you reverse years of growth in the old midsection? Has your tummy taken on a new, larger and unsightly bump? Did your children ask you to play Santa over the Christmas Holidays?
Luckily, you can reverse that trend and return to the slim and trim belly you had in younger years. Here's one way to get started:

Cardio - like running or even a quick-paced walk will help you burn some of that belly off. Eating right is vital if you want to lose your belly! Sculpt your abs with the Workout above. The more you work - the quicker you'll see results!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Where Did This Belly Come From

We never looked like this in college. I drank way more in those eight years of college than I have in the decades since. Where did this belly come from? What is happening to me? Does this happen to you too?

 Sitting in the mall before Christmas – waiting for the wife to wrap up her shopping – I watched as hundreds of shoppers passed by. Many were in much the same shape as I – carrying around a few extra pounds. Probably a pant size or two larger than they were years ago. I don’t even know where she hid my jeans with the 32 inch waist. Probably sitting in some goodwill or thrift store right now. Or, long ago given away to some skinny guy.

 How did we manage to stay slim in college while we partied and drank gallons of beer every weekend? Our tennis team was famous around campus for having the greatest parties every spring. We would hit tennis balls for hours after classes and then eat ( and drink ) everything in sight for supper. How could we eat so much and enjoy so many fun-filled evenings and still manage to stay in decent shape?

Do you want to lose weight this year? Maybe you'd like to lose belly fat and get that slimmer waistline you've been dreaming of? Do you ever wish you could see results sooner? Want to burn more calories and fat faster? Try adding some fat-burning cardio exercise to your daily schedule. Walk, run, do anything you enjoy. Get your heart and lungs working. Give your fat-burners a boost.

And, while you're at it - you may want to drink a little less than so many of us did in our college years!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Just Getting Started

Do you want to start running and just aren't sure how to get started? You're not alone! Sometimes just getting started is the hardest step. You can do this! Legend has it that decades ago Zig Ziglar decided to start running. So, one fine day he heads out for a run. On his 1st day, he ran less than 1 city block.

  You have to start somewhere, right? Think small in the beginning. Go as far as you feel comfortable. Then walk until your heart rate returns to a more normal state and you are breathing easier. Then do it all over again! Each day, build on your progress - a little at a time. In a few weeks you just might be surprised at your progress!

 Try this -

 Week 1: Run for just 1 minute. Then, keep moving - Walk 90 seconds. Repeat eight times. Do three times this first week.

Week 2: Run two minutes. Walk for a minute or two. Then, repeat seven times. Do three times during your second week.

Week 3: Run for 3 minutes. Walk for at least one minute. Repeat six times. Do three times during week 3.

Week 4: Run five minutes. Walk two minutes. Repeat four times. Do three times a week.

 Week 5: Run for 8 minutes. Walk two minutes. Repeat three times. Try to go 4 days this week.

 Week 6: Run twelve minutes. Walk for 3 minutes. Repeat three times. Do 3 or 4 times a week.

 Week 7: Run fifteen minutes. Walk 5 minutes. Run fifteen more minutes. Walk 5 again. Go 4 times this week.

Week 8: Run for twenty minutes. Walk for 5. Run another 15 or 20. Then, walk for 5 or ten minutes. Always take time to cool down after a nice run.

 Coach John Wooden used to urge his players to "Keep Moving". Whatever your fitness goals are, perhaps you too can benefit from Coach's timeless wisdom

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Want More Energy?

Do you ever feel totally drained at the end of a long day? When Friday night finally arrives are you left feeling like you just can't handle any more? Like you have no energy left? Do you find yourself wishing you could re-energize and find more fuel in your tank? 
Wish you could have more energy to enjoy your weekend? Are you making time for daily exercise? Try it - you may just surprise yourself!

Many happy and healthy fitness lovers swear by their morning workout. They feel more energy for hours after their morning run - or walk. Can you get up a little earlier and fit in some exercise early? Don't feel like getting outside? Try this -

Want to track your progress? Have you seen the FitBit? It helps you track your fitness efforts! This latest piece of tech-wizardry tracks your steps, distance, calories burned and active minutes. It will even wake you up. ( and your spouse won't even hear your personal wake-up alarm! )

You can get the Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity + Sleep Wristband here at Amazon

Are you feeling stressed? Exercise can help lower your stress levels! Lower stress makes the time spent in any endeavor more productive and enjoyable. Working out gives you more confidence and energy to tackle life's tough tasks. Want more energy? And way less stress? Try daily exercise. Once you get started you won't want to stop!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Eliminate Boredom - Have More Fun

Do you ever get bored doing the same old thing day after day? Like you could practically die of boredom if you don't find something new ? Something exciting? Change is healthy. Variety helps keeps your mind and body sharp!

Want to try something new this weekend? Join in the fun at a local Zumba class.

Here are just a few of the benefits you can enjoy from Zumba - or any dance you enjoy: 

 * You can get healthier and happier

* Increase your chances of living longer

* You'll most likely feel better about myself

* Have far less chance of becoming depressed

* You will probably sleep better at night

* Be in better shape

* Build stronger muscles and bones

* Helps you stay at or get to a healthy weight

* More time with friends or meet new people, Enjoy yourself and have more fun!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Where Do You Find Time for Fitness?

Are you pressed for time?

How do you fit 30 to 45 minutes of exercise into your hectic schedule every day?
Sometimes the pressures of raising children and caring for parents can seem overwhelming. Do you ever just want to throw your hands up and give up?

Take heart. You don't have to give up. Find just 15 or 20 minutes and get out in the fresh air where you can calm your soul and hasten your heartbeat! Does Winter weather keep you indoors? Pick up that jump rope and jump for as long as you can while watching your favorite show. Make it a comedy - you will burn even more calories laughing!

Get some heart-pumping exercise - if even for just 10 or 15 minutes - every chance you get.

Don't have time to head out to the local gym or health club? The weather outside too cold? No worries! Grab a few inexpensive pieces of home fitness equipment and work out in the comfort of home!

Take care of yourself and you'll be in better shape to take care of those you love and care most about! Do whatever you can to sneak in a few minutes here and there. A couple 20 minute workouts add up to your daily quota! And some experts say that you'll burn even more calories with two shorter workouts

Encourage your children to join in the fun. Challenge them to a race around the block! See if you can beat them! ( If you can - you're far better off than many of us! ) Invest some quality time in yourself! If you're currently exercising twice a week, then simply finding time for one more workout during that week will help you burn more fat and make more progress.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Defeat the Diabetes Threat

Are you past 50 and a little overweight? Or - if you're like me - maybe even more overweight than you'd like? You're not alone...

Just look around - they are everywhere. Sitting across the aisle in church - or walking through the mall. Many of us are getting fatter. What is happening to us? If this trend is left unchecked we may be faced with a potentially explosive health crisis - and the resulting price tag. Much press has been devoted to the President's Health care agenda lately. The dollar signs are out of this world. Over 800 billion dollars to provide health care coverage for an additional 36 million Americans.

If medical scientists are even close to accurate in their dire prediction of more obesity and diabetes as a result - we are in for even more expensive health care prices. Diabetes is bad trouble - just ask anyone who has it. Or has a family member facing the daily grind diabetics live with. What if you could avoid this potential nightmare - and the incredible costs of treatment? What if you could avoid becoming one of the countless millions who just might develop diabetes due to the ever growing waistline? What can you do to ward off this deadly disease?

Exercise - every day. And eat healthy, natural foods. Introduce more physical activity into your daily routine. Get up and off the couch. Leave your recliner for just 45 minutes every evening and exercise. Here's one way to get started -

Would you invest as few as 30 minutes a day to keeping these health issues at bay? Would you devote yourself to getting up and getting active for as little as a half an hour a day? Would you be willing to cut the useless calories and make the choice to enjoy eating healthier foods at every opportunity?

You can save a yourself a bundle. And help the good old USA avoid some rather expensive health care costs. Do it for yourself. Do it for your country! Do you have a family? Do it for them! Just Do It!!! You can avoid adult onset diabetes. You can ward off and prevent obesity from entering into your world!

You can really get those fat burners working with this high-intensity workout -

Monday, January 13, 2014

Work Off Your Waistline

Do you want a tighter looking tummy? Is the flab around your mid-section giving you reason to worry?

Well, take heart - there is good news for all of us who want to enjoy a slimmer waist again. You can roll back the clock a little and regain some of that energy and vitality we all enjoyed in younger years! You can shed those unwanted pounds and that little extra bit of flab that seems to have emerged out of nowhere!

You can look younger and start feeling younger too! You can enjoy life more! Get up and start moving - getting some exercise every day! The more vigorous the better! If you want to lose weight and keep it off - you simply have to burn more calories! No magic pills - no voodoo science - just plain old exercise - in any form you like! Here are a couple ideas to help you get back that slim and trim waistline and tummy you had in years gone by......

Many healthy and happy fitness lovers enjoy cross training to help keep boredom at bay and achieve better whole body workouts!

Strength training is a great way to sculpt a slimmer and more muscular physique. Many fitness enthusiasts have discovered another way to be sleek and strong. They've learned Pilates and love it. Many fitness experts believe that this workout can help you develop long, strong muscles, a flat stomach, a strong back, and improved posture.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Quickest Way to Lose Weight

The quickest way to lose weight and shed those extra pounds so many of us carry around involves a very simple two-fold approach. 1. Change your diet and eating patterns. For the next two months eat smaller portions and stop eating anything other than celery or popcorn ( skip the butter and salt ) for your last four hours before sleep! ( You can substitute any very low-calorie snack for celery or popcorn. ) Many successful weight losers have enjoyed eating five or six mini-meals instead of the usual big 3.
Exercise - in whatever form or type you can - for at least 30 minutes every day. Any exercise that raises your heart rate and gets you breathing harder is ideal! Every day! Once you start feeling comfortable with half an hour - start adding a few minutes. The more you do the fast you lose those extra, unwanted pounds!
Think of your workouts as time for yourself, rather than as a chore. On days when you’re unmotivated, convince yourself to exercise for just ten minutes. After getting started, you’ll probably do much more.
Whether you want a tighter tummy and tush or simply hope to lose a few pounds, set yourself up for success by setting a few short-term goals. Keep them simple. Then, try rewarding yourself as you reach each milestone. Treat yourself to a new pair of running shoes after you lose those first five pounds. Or take the family out to your favorite eatery after you run your first whole mile – without stopping! Keep your goals simple and within reach – you’ll accomplish them sooner! Then, set new, more challenging targets. You might just be amazed at what you can do. And how much better you'll feel.

Keep it fun. Enjoy a healthy variety of different sports. Vary your workouts with different exercises. Ever tried yoga or swimming? Many healthy fitness lovers enjoy the benefits of using low-impact exercise equipment. Buy an elliptical or a rowing machine and turn your extra room into a mini fitness center!
Try to keep eating healthy foods. Start your day with a protein rich, healthy breakfast. Keep an eye on your calories. And watch your tummy get slimmer. The quickest way to lose weight - and keep it off - is with daily exercise and sensible, healthy eating choices.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Never Too Late

Christie Brinkley - the beautiful former Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model - is in her 50s. Denise Austin - the fitness guru seen on TV for years - has reportedly reached the half century mark as well! Both of these lovely ladies still manage to look healthy and radiant! They have maintained the kind of healthy bodies one might normally expect of someone in their 20s! These two celebrities are proof positive that you can postpone looking old! You can still look great in your 50s!

 What's their secret? Two simple and powerful habits are at the core of their outstanding fitness levels. They exercise regularly and eat healthy foods! Whether you are in your 20s or fast approaching your 50s - its never too late to start your own fitness program. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle may just have you wishing you'd started years ago! You can enjoy life more. You can look better - healthier and more vibrant! You can improve your outlook on life and have more fun than you ever dreamed of! More energy and zest for living are yours for the asking!

 Kick start your New Years resolutions! Start today! The sooner you begin the sooner you start enjoying life more. Start getting some exercise every day. You won't need to spend a small fortune to get started. Do you have a Family Video in your neighborhood? They offer free fitness videos. Or check out the local library and grab an exercise video! ( They probably have several of Denise Austin's workout videos. ) Not ready to join that fancy health club in your neighborhood? Save your money. You can get a great workout with just a few simple and inexpensive pieces of home fitness equipment! The key is getting started. And staying active. Fitness is a journey to be enjoyed! You can get healthy and fit past 50! Its never too late to start.

Keep eating healthy foods. Drink plenty of water and get a good night's sleep every night. Give your body the healthy nutrients it needs and plenty of rest! Better fitness is really just the result of a few simple, healthy habits! A healthy lifestyle is yours for the making. If your hoping to shed a few pounds this Year - and keep them off - the quickest way to lose weight is with plenty of heart-pumping exercise! Watch what you eat and stick with your exercise plan and you can start seeing results in a matter of weeks! What have you got to lose?

Friday, January 10, 2014

Dance Fever

Do you remember the first dance you got to attend? Were you a little scared? Maybe even hesitant to get out on the dance floor. Friday nights used to mean a sock-hop after the big game. Most of us had never seen or even heard of the Mamba or the Samba. Merengue was nowhere on our Midwest, small town radar.

Who knew dancing would turn out to be such a fun way to burn a bunch of calories and forget about the week's stress factors. Fast forward a few decades and we now have a bunch of choices for dancing your blues away. Millions have discovered the Zumba dance craze. Zumba lovers around the globe have discovered the fun and excitement of this latin dance workout. And you don't even need a partner!
Here's a great way to get started doing the Zumba -

Do the Watusi, Samba or Square-Dance - Whatever dance you enjoy - Let loose and Have fun. Get up and hit the dance floor! Dance like no one's watching! And who cares if they are?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Save Your Knees - Try Low Impact Exercise

Do your knees ever hurt when you get up? Are your knees not as flexible, and pain-free as they used to be? You might enjoy low-impact exercises to help you get back in shape. 

Want to enjoy life more in a leaner, toned body? Want more energy? Give your body the healthy nutrients it needs and plenty of rest! Better fitness is really just the result of a few simple, healthy habits! A healthy lifestyle is yours for the taking. If your wanting to shed a few pounds in the New Year ( or quite a few ) the quickest way to lose weight is with plenty of heart-pumping exercise! Watch what you eat and stick with your daily exercise plan. You can start seeing results in a matter of weeks!

Try some of these exercises to keep your body toned and healthy for years to come.

Whether you are in your 20s or fast approaching your 50s - its never too late to start your own fitness program. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle will have you wishing you'd started years ago! You can enjoy life more. You can look better - healthier and more vibrant! You can improve your outlook on life and have more fun than you ever dreamed of! More energy and zest for living are yours for the asking!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fitness Fun Ideas

Are you a little out of shape? Do you tend to spend too much time in your favorite recliner and not enough time having fun?
Life is short. Why not have fun while we can?
Choose sports and activities that you enjoy. Most people will stick to their exercise program if they are having fun, even though they are working hard.

Remember the Hula-hoop? They are a blast! I think you can buy one for a few dollars. What a fun way to burn some calories...

Remember when Nuns looked like this?
Whoever said exercise is boring? Want to liven up your exercise time? Invite your little ones to join in the fun. Have a hula-hoop party. Or jump-rope together. ( Be careful - jumping rope might remind you just how long its been.... )

Bribe your children - or the grand-kids - to join you. Offer a healthy snack for a prize! Ice cream is healthy.. right? Surely there is something healthy in that wonderful, creamy treat! Here are some easy - exercises you can try with the youngsters -

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Yoga? After 40?

Can you really get your body into those incredible yoga positions we all see? Well, I guess you might be surprised at how flexible your body can get after you adopt the yoga habit! If you're new to this whole idea or have never even tried yoga - here are some tips to help -

Yoga is not just about building big muscles. Yoga can help you develop a healthy lifestyle. The practice of yoga allows students to feel calm and focused in a day to day grind filled with chaos. Inner peace and tranquility are just two of the benefits people of all ages gain.
Still not sure ? Check out this video about How to start practicing yoga -

You can enjoy life more. You can look better - healthier and more vibrant! You can improve your outlook on life and have more fun than you ever dreamed of! More energy and zest for living are yours for the asking. Give yoga a try - you may be pleasantly surprised.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Healthy and Fit Well Past 50

Have you reached 40 or 50? Are you a little out of shape? Has it been a while since you went to the gym? Or had any real, heart-pumping exercise? Would you like to enjoy life more and maybe even live a longer, healthier life? Daily exercise can not only help you live longer - it can improve your quality of life. Want more energy? Want to feel years younger?

The Good News is - you can add years to your life. You can enjoy great health and fitness past age 50.

 You really can turn back the clock and enjoy energy levels from years long since past. Find the secret to a more energized life. More fun. More stamina. Even a better outlook on life can be yours with a couple new habits. You can stay healthy and fit past fifty! Try these exercise tips to help you get started.

If you're like many of us who have reached the mid-century mark you may have put on a few pounds over the past couple decades. Want to lose weight? Eat natural, healthy foods, exercise and lose weight fast!